Poetry. I use to write these things. As I was younger there was really no other ways to express myself or vent out. I couldn't draw, so poetry was what I proclaim as ; Painting With Words.
It's been a while since I wrote any poetry, I soon got so involved in my gaming life, I had online friends and enemies (monsters/creatures and opposite faction etc) to vent out anger. But recently, I had the urge to compose a poem.
Well, rusty, things don't flow like it used to, but I really wanted to compose something special for Vincent. So I went ahead and composed this :
Gazing up upon the clear night sky
A smile lit my face and tears of joy filled my eyes :)
Something wonderful happened, someone special appeared
Someone, none other than you, Vincent, you made sadness disappeared :3
Like mist, I thought you were at first on your existence
There but not mine to love, deep inside it burns
Like fate and destiny, taking its time
And now it has ticked to the time, you’re now mine >:3
I’ve searched so hard all my life, for someone just like you
Now like an angel you descended, ever so real
I vowed and sworn to be the infinite joy in your life
I would give you all my love, as long as your heart is mine
Mystery it may seem, that I couldn’t figure what wondrous deed I may have done
To be blessed and to deserve someone like you, and be your true one
As I close my eyes and slip into dreams at night
You were there in my dreams, holding me tight
I want to taste more of your kisses that quickens my heart beat
Thoughts of you and me make my heart leap !
You are like sunshine giving warmth wherever I am
Whenever I need you, you would be here holding my hand
There is no love in this world that could be so true
It wasn’t until, I found you
Thank you for the chance of a lifetime
A chance to love and cherish you as mine
I promise you an eternal love sealed within my heart
And through our love, bond with our hearts, we would never be apart
I love you, Vincent, I really deeply do
And we are meant for each other, and it’s a fact we both knew
We’ll always be together as long our hearts remain as one
Even until our journey ends, our love will never be done.
~ With Love, your little bunnie, Stephie <3
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