Copyright © Bunnie ^^
Design by Dzignine
Monday, July 30, 2012

My Busy Boyfriend

Life's just sweet at the moment. It may not have the brightest skies, or the greenest fields, but its just right for me :3 People has been complimenting on my slight personality change, of course, with a boyfriend like mine, the world seemed so different now ! But don't worry , I'm still me :3 *rawr*

I seemed to see things in a different light now, everything seemed like it matters not, as long I have him, that all that matters ! No more me each time seeing people I feel like they are judging me and talking bad bout me behind my back, yes my Social Anxiety Disorder is pretty bad. But now, it almost matter not anymore. I am able to go out and see people with less anxiety and more confidence especially when talking to people. Because, all that matters in his eyes, I'm perfect and it gives me confidence to face the world that I've feared off.

It has been 2 months already that I've been in a relationship with him ! I hope there's many more to come for me to count ! His birthday is also coming up on 8 August, and horrible me isn't able to be there to celebrate with him :( Not only that, all I got for his birthday is just Guild Wars 2 which I could tell he isn't even fond of the game. Wish I could get him something, something physical. Maybe I should save up for the next Samsung Galaxy S4 for him to make up for this year ?

Speaking of Samsung Galaxy.... my goodness, has anyone actually heard this phone ? I can't believe I never actually heard the sound it produces considering I watched quite a few reviews bout it on Youtube. It could very well be because of my boyfriend's awesome microphone but this phone will literary give you diabetes. The bubbly water sound it produces is one of a kind, if my iphone ever dies on me I'd probably going back to Samsung and then melt myself into a puddle of candy with the sound and then proceed to drown in the candy puddle of myself.

My boyfriend been really busy as of late, I haven't been able to spend alot of time with him, but that's okay I understand but I do feel sad that he's being put through so much stress. Wish somehow I could help him sometimes, make me visualize us married and him coming home from work, giving him massage and raining him with kisses and hugs. Yes, I daydream too much ! He never seems to be out of my mind, everything seems to relate to him, or so it seems ! Because everything reminds me of him in a way or another !!

Also few days ago he made this surprise post on my wall. I'm so deeply touched by the post he made !!! He took a picture of the sky with a ray of sunshine and voice out his affections. My heart soared when I saw it ! Which later on inspired me to draw a picture for his birthday :3

Oh Vincent, if only I am able to tell you just how much I love you ! But just know I love you so so so much !! And you are always the best and will always be that most special person my my heart <3

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Marvelous 3rd Date

I had a really awesome Saturday 3days ago ! My boyfriend came with my Godbrother, to visit me ! I always tend get so nervous when I'm meeting my boyfriend ! I dunno why ! But seeing him in all smiles really place a rainbow up in my sky and I immediately felt comfortable being around him ≧◡≦

I gave him some nom noms and some drinks, because I felt bad meeting empty handed when he came here all the way but I'm broke (╥﹏╥) so I din't get him anything special but I got him some nom noms because that's better then nothing, right ?  >"<

We went to eat at Kenny Rogers, it's been a while. Ever since I worked there for like 1 day almost a decade ago in a different branch. I din't want to eat anymore of them haha !! The problem with me is always also getting pass the "Menu". I never really ever know what I wanna eat , so I got the same one as my boyfriend (〃^∇^)ノ

We later on went to watch Spiderman, which I haven't gone to a cinema in many centuries !! Not really but it has been very long ! Haven't had anyone gone to a cinema with me since my sister gave birth and her son is now 8 years old  >_<  Probably the best part of the day as I got to snuggle close and hug him making me feel so safe and secure (▰˘◡˘▰)

He was really cute too, he held me close and held my hand. And tho it was dark, he seems to light up the room. I could see his smile and those sparkles in his eyes. Oh! I adore him so much ! The most touching moment wasn't the movie, was him tearing up, and me being able to be there to wipe his tears away. And him, whispering to me not to ever leave him. It just really hits a sentimental spot in my heart. Really, really did.

Also, I never knew how far behind in technology in these little guys I am til this. I always thought thumbdrives max size is 8gigs? My boyfriend just passed his to me containing files of Tera Online art and its placed in a 32 gigs one. 32 GIGs?! |◔◡◉|  Derp !

I guess I'll put this picture here, this was taken when we were on our way to dinner and my Godbrother decided to ninja snap this picture. Look at how cute my boyfriend's focused face is !! HHHNNNGGG !!
(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ * tickle tickle *

In all it was a wonderful day, tho my silly Vincent, eventually forgot he was suppose to pass me some stuff haha !! Here's a secret, I remembered, but I just din't want to remind him about it !!! He's really silly yet he's the most perfect guy I've ever seen. Ones I've only ever read in Story Books. He treats me like a Princess and he thinks of me in every situation, caring for my feelings and making me feel loved.

Oh I really love him so much. Hope he knows how serious and sincere I am devoting myself to our relationship <3 Vincent, you have nothing to worry about ! You mean the world to me and no matter what happens I'll never leave you in fact, I would hold you even tighter !!!  v(⌒o⌒)v♪

Friday, July 6, 2012

Snail Downloads And Me


So bored.

I'm downloading Guild Wars 2 beta at the moment, so that I can play during the weekend to  test out stuff such as if my laptop can handle the graphics and also I wanted to see what class I want to play. This is why I refused to download the beta at 1st , the reason being my slow download speed. Rather pointless to download when I have to download the whole thing again for the actual client when the game releases on 28th August 2012.

But what motivated me more towards the game is the fact that my boyfriend is interested in playing this with me. Fact that GW2 scales your level to your friends, so you can keep leveling and never leave anyone behind ~ !! Meaning I can play with my boyfriend whenever he's on regardless of how much I play when he isn't around !! ^_^ Because it will scale my level down to his level to enable me to experience content with him !

Speaking of spending time with him, I had so much fun last night. Why? We webcam-ed and his smile, just that smile, the thing I can never get bored of, just melts me inside out. We were also being silly with each other, something I really love ! I do get worried that sometimes, he might get bored of talking to me. Seems like we tend to stick with only a "certain" few topics, but for me it's different.

Doesn't matter how much we talk, or what we say, or even when we run out of things to say and it's all silence or gets repetitive. Somehow there's this feeling of fulfillment, I love spending time with him. I guess this is Love, always mysterious, always unexplainable, always felt by the heart. I'd never get bored of spending time with him, in fact, I always look forward to it !

I tend to look at couples whether in movies, shows or reality and fantasize that it is me and my boyfriend :3 Especially those loving old couples !! I always admire old couples that are still so deeply in love with each other even after decades with each other. You can see from they way they look at each other and treat each other. Their children grew up, all responsibilities are gone, now is just them again. You would think they probably ran out of romance, and "bed activities" is probably decreased to none due to age, but what keeps them together ?


At their age, they are too old for new interest, life would be more of a routine, and everything slows down to a boring flow. But you can still see the warmth in their gazes and smiles, their touch and words exchanged is as though they were new lovers, except with aged depth of Love as they know just what to say and do to make each other laugh and smile. That's really what Love is, it ages like Wine, and for those that appreciate it, its the best of all. 

Derp. I like how I derailed my own blog. Really do not know how long it is going to take til my download is complete. I really wanna start downloading Tera to play with my boyfriend at the meantime. Problem is I can't even youtube when I'm downloading, that's how bad my bandwidth is. So I'm just being bored til the download is done. 

Anyhow, before I end this blog I just want to say.. I Love my boyfriend with all my heart. I just know that when I am with him, I feel the true essence of joy. Able to sense his love, and know that I'm loved. That's all this little girl could ever ask for <3 Oh my heart !!! I Love him so much >_<

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Cravings !

Okay, let me put on my nerd cap on and talk about the game I've been going nuts for and being so hyped about ! The new MMO by ArenaNet is announced to be launched on 28th August 2012 after 7years after their original Guild Wars release.

As those who knows me, I'm a an utmost WoW supporter, in fact I'm very picky on the side MMOs I play besides WoW. Every "Wow-killer" that has came out during my 8year WoW career has failed, and I knew it before hand even though many friends beg to differ and quit WoW to play the game only to solemnly return three months later.

I've tried Rift, and many other well named MMOs on the side but they were bench-marking WoW which makes them comparable in a way, but not able to meet WoW standards as WoW has been a long ongoing game that is highly successful and people will will go back to WoW as they have spent more time on that game.

Guild Wars 2 is the only MMO that opened my mind and eyes that I truly feel that WoW will have something to fear. Not just due to the superior graphics but the gameplay and the game as a whole seems pretty much a overall better game then WoW.

I'm in no way saying that GW2 will be THE WoW killer, but it will definitely be something Blizzard would and should be worried about. You can't exactly place them side by side and compare, because GW2 is designed so well that it's a very different game all together. Then again, this is really all very subject to personal opinions so WoW fanbois, don't bash me ! 

I've been watching alot of videos lately on GW2 and I bumped into a video of these funny bunch of guys video conferencing, giving a very, very professional Q&A session. They added that thier guild is opened to whoever want to apply and I app'ed and got in. It gives me a wonderful feeling at the moment of starting anew, a new life in a completely new MMO. Maybe one with less mean and elitist people in WoW. Back when WoW was new, guild and community was very family-warmth feel, and I do hope I'd find it again.

I remember back in the day we did 40mans raids, and even with a enormously large guild, everyone was close to one another, we know who and who are couples. Who's son was feeling unwell. Who fell down the stairs they day before. Just little things like that we remember and chat and laugh about. It feels like a big large family !

Even when raiding, we pass each other loots, and work together as a team. There was no "Dps/Healing meters" competition going on, it was all us executing our task and preforming well. But nowadays, everyone is all "Meter-whores" as we call them and people are getting over elitist and greedy over loots. Guild chat is filled with one calling the other noob and one bitching about another member for taking his loot that he felt he earned. It just isn't the same anymore.

In anycase, I needed a new start somehow. I don't know, ever since my boyfriend, I feel like I was a reborned Phoenix and life is so different ! I just want a new chapter in my life, gaming or real life. And I got him GW2 so even better ! I'd be gaming with my boyfriend :3 Now not many get to do that !

Monday, July 2, 2012

The "Line"

I really don't know why people choose to hurt others. Crossing the line over and over again without a care in the world.. And thinking that that kind of attention feels them with pride. And worse I don't know why others support these actions, and awaits drama to fill their thirst of entertainment.

I always think of others before myself, in fact I always put others before me. Sometimes I wish for just one time, they would try to think about how I feel.. Because this really reminds me of a song from a musical I watched as a child. You just can't try to take away someone that means the most to someone else. You can't just jab yourself into someone else's relationship..

You can take my favorite chair
Go on take it, I don't care
There's no possession I can't spare
Since I gave my heart away..

If I had a bank account
You could take the whole amount
Things and riches what are they
Since I gave my heart away.. 

Til I felt like this, I could not have understood,
Until you give your heart to someone else,
You might as well be made of wood..

So take my home, look here's the key
And all of value you might see
But if you take my Vincent from me
That's a price I cannot pay
Since I gave my heart away.

You see I love him, he's my one
And if my life with him is done
Then finish off what you've begun
Make me wood or stone or clay
Since you took my heart away

There's a lesson learned, I learned it late but no regrets
The more of your heart you can give to someone else
The fuller that it gets.. 

So take my home, look here's the key
And all of value you might see
But never take my Vincent from me
That's a price I cannot pay
Since i gave my heart away...

I  felt better much later as my boyfriend came home and comforted me. He dried my tears, and band-aided my wound faster then I spam "A" visiting a Poke'mon Center on my Gameboy. Sometimes when things get tough, too tough to handle, all you need is just someone to catch your fall and assure you everything is okay, and most importantly, that he loves you.

I Love You, Vincent <3
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Anime Night !

So my boyfriend told me he bought this anime called "Zetman" and suggested I should watch it. I googled the synopsis and it seemed rather "your-average-superhero-anime" and the name of the anime wasn't exactly appealing to me. Not to mention the lack of my usual "kawaii-ness" in the art style !

But I decided to give it a go anyways today, since my boyfriend was watching it, wouldn't hurt to watch it and we could possibly talk bout it and stuff. Because in my point of view, I would love to talk about something I'm interested in, so he's probably doing that >:3

And personally I love to get myself to try the stuff that he likes as I might encounter something we both like and able to spend time playing or doing together or just chatting about it !

Well of course we share alot of dark secrets as well =3= but I love it ! Not many couples are so open minded and I'm probably the lucky one that is able to share with my boyfriend and vice versa without him running away !

Well going back on topic bout Zetman, It wasn't like I never gave these more male-oriented Anime a go, ones like Slam Dunk, Grander Musashi, Dragon Ball, HunterXHunter etc all those whom I enjoyed during my childhood.

And also recently I'm really enjoying Fairy Tail which I originally wasn't interested in watching it because the name was sort of over girly? But I know my boyfriend is interested in it so I leap into the 1st episode and actually discovered I really, Really like it !

Originally thinking I'd fall asleep like a baby kitten whilst watching Zetman, actually finding myself interested in it. The whole anime is pack with action making you clinging on to what's going on at all times. Nonetheless I finished all 13 episodes in a night and feeling very happy bout the anime as a whole ! I can't wait till my boyfriend comes home to talk about it ^_^ !!

Nothing like having a boyfriend that shares so much similar interest as me ! He's everything that I dream of, inside and out, in fact more ! I always dreamed how nice it be if my boyfriend is into games like me. We could game together and we could do so much stuff together and experience all these things together and have so much to talk about ! And yes ! He is a gamer !

If I'm gunna sit here and list down all the things we share in common and everything I love about him, I will probably never end the blog! But anyhow he is so perfect in every way. And best of all, he literary treats me exactly how a girl wants to be treated <3

I'm not talking about, he flooding me with gifts and presents, or pull your chair, open your door, tie your shoelace, craps like that, that you can do it yourself. You are with him because you love him not because he's your slave !  

I'm talking bout like how he treats me as his girl, for example, he just called me using his brother in law's cellphone just to tell me he'll be late because his cellphone ran out of quota. If it was any other guys, they wouldn't care, but Vincent, always tend to go through this extra miles of thinking about my feelings !

This isn't even the 1st time he does small little things like these. He went on a text message marathon with me when I was out of town having no connection to the internet and being lonely. Also that one time he stopped his car just to text me back because he was worried I was lonely. Kinda felt really bad bout that, but at the same time I never heard of such wonderful things a guy would do for his girl !

Yes ! I have the best boyfriend ever and I know it and I'm really proud of it ! Fact that guys never usually care about anything more then themselves, like my dad. But my boyfriend just shows me over and over again, how a girl should be treated and what it is like to be loved !

Really, really unable to believe I am living reality right now and that I have a boyfriend as wonderful as Vincent. I really do not hope for more out of him but I hope that he will always just remain the same, because he's already beyond perfect right now, and that's the guy I love and the guy that really loves me for me, my personality and not just looks !

I think I'm at the happiest point of my life right now, maybe because at every chance when I am sad, my boyfriend jumps at the very 1st opportunity to understand me and make me smile again :) And yes, he's always successful at doing it !

I just want to be able to do the same to him, able to be there for him, and be the one he would want to confide in and walk the toughest roads of life with him. I just hope he will never stop loving me or get bored of me, because I can't see myself losing someone like him. I could fly around the world 20 times, I would still never find a guy anywhere near quite as perfect as Vincent. 

Now I'm just happy that I can see life so much differently. Life is so much worth living for now with him in my life. I'm more positive, I feel more confident, and I've a mission in life ! And my mission is to be the best girlfriend and future wife to Vincent ! 

I want to be that girl that would always bring him smiles and make him laugh ! Be that girl he's proud of and that girl he looks forward to see each day !